Blitz (65/144)

From:Peter Thor
Date:16 May 2001 at 17:56:01
Subject:Re: Blitz Crashing

The 16-Maj-01, Jason Faramus wrote:

> Just wanted to ask what sort of systems you are running Blitz on, I have
> an 060 (Apollo) and Blitz keeps crashing in the most annoying way's almost
> making me never go near it again. Does this happen to anyone else? I have
> also just installed OS 3.9 and I don't know if I'm just imagining it but
> it seems to have made matters worse.

When I got 3.9 I had some troubles with getting it to run properly. But that
was caused by those two files in env: someone mentioned. They gave me
sporadic lockups. Nowadays I dont have any problems thought on two of my
working machines, 030/50, 040/25, AGA and RTG and both with 3.9.

Get hold of the latest version of the editor and also, do as Simon Archer
wrote, delete the files


and see how it runs.

> Before I go, can anyone tell me if there would be a significant speed
> increase over an AMOS made games blitting operations if I were to convert
> it to Blitz or is the Blitting speed the same in both programs as it's
> restricted by the Amiga's hardware?

The blitting-operations themselves won't be speeded up, about Blitz vs. AMOS
I don't know - only used it for about an hour in my life :)

Hope it gets sorted,


Peter Thor, Pagan Games
ICQ: 11277616, IRC: Joru

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